I Don’t Have Squat and I’m Not Here
by Michael Daitch
February 16, 2017
It’s a decidedly random word, thrown out from the crowd. Let’s see where “squat” takes us.
by Michael Daitch
by Lee Cutrone
by Jessica Fidalgo
December 22, 2016
The Pilgrims braved the North Atlantic to find new beginnings. How far would you go?
by Patti Lanigan
by Jon Novak
by Teddy Stoecklein
October 6, 2016
Halloween is a wonderful time of year. Who doesn’t like a good witch hunt?
by Jess Mello
by Paul Whittemore
by Matt Scheumann
September 8, 2016
Hunter S. Thompson famously wrote, “Buy the ticket, take the ride.” Where will the bus take you?
by Chris Laryea
by Stephen Davis
by Kathleen Parr
August 10, 2016
Toward the end of summer, the heat can be relentless. Well, not in Maine. But we’re a very dog-friendly agency, so let’s hear about it.
by Moya Fry
by Steve Holt
by Judi Cutrone & Pete Wiernusz
July 6, 2016
The Fourth of July celebrates independence. In that spirit, this month’s theme is about taking a stand.
by Jake Burns
by Cameron Sheehan
by Jessie Gilligan
June 2, 2016
With summer comes sun. And with sun comes, well, freckles.
by Brittany Charette
by Lyndsey Fox
by Leo Schwach
May 5, 2016
Mofo is a unique word, used many ways. Since it was close to Mother's Day, we thought we'd have fun with the root of the American phrase.
by Alexa King
by Samantha Laster
April 7, 2016
If you are reading this, you just won a million dollars. Click here to claim your prize.
by Lee Cutrone
by Leo Schwach
by Moya Fry
March 10, 2016
We had just finished a long pitch for Pacific Life—you know—the brand with the breaching humpback whale in its logo. I guess we just had whale on the brain.
by Meranne Behrends
by Judi Cutrone
by Pete Wiernusz
January 28, 2016
It was a winter with very little snow. El Niño was to blame. And those of us who love the mountains of Maine were praying for a nice big “dump.”
by Aaron Baglien
by Liz McLellan
by Steve Holt
December 22, 2015
Maybe it was the ghost of Christmas past. Maybe was about a cold winter night. Or maybe it was a trip to the warmer climate or South America, where it was, in fact, summer.
by Brittany Charette
by Chris Jacobs
by Teddy Stoecklein
November 20, 2015
During the holiday season, the Advertising world couldn’t be busier. With sales, and metrics, and jingles, and traffic drivers, who has time for religion?
by Kathleen Parr
by Lawson Condrey
October 2, 2015
We work in a (presumably) haunted building, formerly the Baxter Library. It was built in the 1850s. And when you work long hours, sometimes things go bump in the night.
by Chris Laryea
by Jessica Fidalgo
by Hillarie Olsen
September 2, 2015
Maine is known for its lobsters and artists. It is also known for camping. But we all have different notions of what it means to camp.
by Jason Wright
by Tim Stoklosa
by Paul Whittemore
July 9, 2015
There are a lot of offensive words in the English language. Most of them pertain to racial, ethnic or religious bigotry; from the N-word to the C-word. But why “moist?”
by Barry Wolford
by Lawson Condrey
by Stephen Davis
June 2, 2015
After a long, cold, snowy winter, those of us in Maine were anxious to get on with the warmer months. In other words, we were ready for a real sizzler.
by Cameron Sheehan
by Greg Smith
by Mary Hannifin
May 5, 2015
We were about to head into a long weekend. It was just that simple.
by Jessie Gilligan
by John Coleman
by Mike Daitch
April 2, 2015
You can make something out of nothing, or you can make nothing out of something. The choice is yours, so write about “whatever.”
by Teddy Stoecklein
by Patrick Krulik
by Steve Holt
November 6, 2014
November 4 meant elections. And so we voted for this month’s theme, democratically. The choices were “Turkey,” “Thankful,” or the completely random “Fuck Canada.” Well, so much for democracy.
by Teddy Stoecklein
by Stephen Davis
by Pete Wiernusz
October 2, 2014
We all love Halloween. And October first means we get to unpack all our goblins and ghouls to decorate our homes. Why not kick the month off with the theme “Spooky?”
by Sallie Allen
by Moya Fry
by Judi Cutrone
by Teddy Stoecklein
September 4, 2014
The end of summer means it’s back to school for so many of our kids. And so, September’s theme was “Schooled.”
by Greg Smith
by Steve Holt
by Steve Street
August Summer Party
In early August we have our annual summer party. It’s a gathering of colleagues without conference calls, spreadsheets and presentations. Just music, food, beer and “Good Company.”
by Jessica Fidalgo
by Bobby Pfeiffenberger
July 10, 2014
July 4th is one of our favorite holidays. To honor our great nation, this month’s theme was “Made in America.”
by Kelly Scharf
by Aimee A. Kudlak
by Chris Jacobs
June 5, 2014
When your spring is more like winter, can you blame us Mainers for looking forward to a little “Heat?”
by Mary Hanifin
by Sven Fahlgren
by Patrick Krulik
May 1, 2014
They say March is “in like a lion, out like a lamb?” Well, in Maine, just when you think winter has passed, you get blasted with a late winter storm, which led to this month’s theme: “Surprised.”
by Leah Rohner
by Dan Pappas
by Mike Daitch
by Greg Smith
April 3, 2014
Spring was in the air, which meant a welcome change in the weather in Maine. Hence the theme “Metamorphosis.”
by Chris Jacobs
by Jessica Fidalgo
by Brett Willis
March 6, 2014
Soon after our first Free Beer & Fiction meeting was Valentine’s Day, which inspired our second topic, “Love Gone Wrong.”
by John Coleman
by Jessica Fidalgo
by Jamie Holt
February 6, 2014
Being our very first Free Beer & Fiction assignment, what better topic than to write about “The First Time?”
by Kathleen Parr
by Chris Gilbert
by Steve Holt
by Teddy Stoecklein